
Here you can read the guidelines for preparing and submitting video advertisements.
Published 10.2.2019

Outstream video advertising

Outstream advertising uses impressive video ads in between content. Similarly to other types of display advertising, video adverts are also clickable.

  • Advert size of vertical videos: 9:16 or 620 x 891 px
  • Format: MP4
  • File size: max. 30 MB
  • Length: max. 30 seconds. We recommend that videos be kept to a maximum of 10 seconds in length.
  • Landing page: url

Poster image (mandatory): In addition to video, you must submit a separate still image in JPG or PNG format. The image size must match the video’s dimensions (620 x 891 px). File size: max. 100 KB

Native video

Native video combines the best aspects of moving image, sound and native display into a single advertising format. In addition to video, you must send a separate text which will be placed next to the video.


  • Advert size: 1920 x 1080 px
  • Format: MP4
  • Length: max. 30 seconds. We recommend that videos be kept to a maximum of approximately 15 seconds in length.

Separate text unit:

  • Max. 64 characters including spaces and a call-to-action prompt
  • Name of advertiser
  • Landing page: url

Here you can find examples for desktop and mobile devices.